Kamis, 26 April 2012


Noun Clause

Noun Clause adalah Clause yang digunakan sebagai pengganti noun atau berfungsi sebagai noun (kata benda). Selain Noun Clause ini, sebenarnya masih ada clause lainnya seperti Adverb Clause dan Adjective Clause. Untuk mendalami penjelasan mengenai Noun Clause, silahkan perhatikan penjelasan di bawah ini:

Menurut jenis kalimat asalnya, Noun Clause dapat diklasifikasikan menjadi 4 macam, yaitu:
1. Statement (pernyataan)
2. Question (pertanyaan)
3. Request (permintaan)
4. Exclamation (seruan).

1. Statement

a. Conjunction yang dipakai adalah: "that"

b. Fungsi Klausa ini adalah sebagai:

1) Subjek Kalimat
• Kangaroo lives in Australia (statement)
• That Kangaroo lives is Australia is well known to all (Noun Clause)
2) Subjek Kalimat setelah "It"
• It is well known to all that Kangaroo lives in Australia
3) Objek Pelengkap
• My conclusion is that Kangaroo lives in Australia
4) Objek Kata Kerja
• All people understand well that Kangaroo lives in Australia
5) Apositif
• My conclusion that Kangaroo lives is Australia is correct.
2. Question

A. Yes/No Question

a. Conjunction yang dipakai adalah: "whether (or not/or if)"

b. Fungsi Klausa ini adalah sebagai:

1) Subjek Kalimat
• Can she drive the car? (Question)
• Whether she can drive the car doesn't concern me. (Noun Clause)
= Whether or not she can drive the car doesn't concern me. (Noun Clause)
= Whether she can drive the car or not doesn't concern me. (Noun Clause)
= Whether or if she can drive the car doesn't concern me. (Noun Clause)
2) Objek Pelengkap
• My question is whether she can drive the car.
3) Objek Kata Kerja
• I really wonder whether she can drive the car (or not).
4) Objek Kata Depan
• We discussed about whether she can drive the car.
B. Wh- Question

a. Conjunction yang dipakai adalah: "kata Tanya itu sendiri"

b. Fungsi Klausa ini adalah sebagai:

1) Subjek Kalimat
• What is he doing? (Question)
• What she is doing doesn't concern me. (Noun Clause)
2) Objek Pelengkap
• My question is what she is doing.
3) Objek Kata Kerja
• I really wonder what she is doing.
4) Objek Kata Depan
• We discussed about what she is doing.

Posisi kembali normal, tidak seperti posisi sebuah pertanyaan normal.

3. Request

a. Conjunction yang dipakai adalah: "that"

b. Fungsi Klausa ini adalah sebagai:

1) Objek Kata Kerja
• Read the book! (Request)
• He suggested that I read the book. (Noun Clause)

Tanda seru hilang.

4. Exclamation

a. Conjunction yang dipakai adalah: "kata Tanya yang dipakai pada kalimat itu sendiri"

b. Fungsi Klausa ini adalah sebagai:

1) Objek Kata Kerja
• What a pretty girl she is? (Exclamation)
• I never realize what a pretty girl she is. (Noun Clause)
2) Objek Kata Depan
• We are talking about what a pretty girl she is.
Catatan Tambahan:
• Noun Clause dengan "that" digunakan sebagai subjek dari suatu kalimat hanya dengan kata kerja tertentu. Dan kata kerja (verb) yang penting adalah linking verb, khususnya BE.
• Noun Clause dengan "that" sering menjadi objek dari verb (kata kerja), beberapa verb berikut ini biasanya mempunyai subjek yang me
nunjukkan manusia. Kata-kata tersebut terutama sekali adalah verb yang digunakan dalam Indirect Speech Berta verb yang menyatakan kegiatan mental.
Kata Kerja Kalimat Tak Langsung

Admit, agree, allege, announce, argue, assert, assure, declare, aver, boast, claim, complain, confess, convince, deny, disagree, explain, foretell, hint, inform, insist, maintain, notify, persuade, pray, predict, proclaim, promise, relate, remark, remind, report, say, state, swear, teach, tell, threaten, warn

Kata Kerja Aktivitas Mental

Ascertain, assume, believe, calculate, care (untuk kalimat negative atau interrogative), conceive, conclude, consider, convince, decide, discover, doubt, dream, expect, fancy, feel, find out, forget, grant, guess, hear, hold (pendapat), hope, imagine, indicate, know, judge, learn, mean, mind (untuk kalimat negative atau interrogative), notice, perceive, presume, pretend, prove, question, realize, recall, reckon, recollect, reflect, regret, rejoice, remember, reveal, see, show, suppose, surmise, think, trust, understand, wish

1. Alex thinks that Mary is ill.
2. Bob told me that he had finished breakfast.
3. Henry says that Jack is very busy.
4. He insists that there is a mistake.
5. He complained to his friend that his wife couldn't cook.
• Dalam percakapan yang tidak resmi (informal) "that" sering dihilangkan dari objek Clause jika artinya (maksudnya) sudah jelas dapat dimengerti tanpa adanya "that".
1. I am sorry (that) I couldn't meet you at the station.
2. He says (that) they plan to come to the dance.
3. We thought (that) you had already left for abroad.
4. The reason we returned so early is, (that) one of the children got sick.
• Noun Clause dari question (pertanyaan) yang terletak sesudah verb yang memerlukan 2 objek mungkin berfungsi sebagai salah satu atau kedua objek dari verb tersebut.
1. Give the man (Indirect Object) what is in this envelope (Direct Object)
2. Give what is in the envelope to the man.
• Noun Clause dari pertanyaan mungkin diawali dengan kata-kata tanya yang berfungsi sebagai: Pronouns, Adjectives, atau Adverbs. Kata-kata yang dipakai adalah: Pronoun = who (ever), what (ever(, which. (ever), Adjective = whose, what (ever), which (ever), Adverb = how (ever), when (ever), where (ever), why.
1. We don't know who will be coming from the employment agency. (who adalah subjek dari will be coming)
2. We don't know whom the employment agency will send. (whom adalah objek dari will send)
3. We will ask whoever comes from the employment agency. (whoever adalah subjek dari comes)
4. We will ask whomever the employment agency sends. (whomever adalah objek dari sends)
• Dalam Noun Clause dari pertanyaan, subjek dan verb mempunyai susunan yang umum, yakni terletak sesudah introductory word.
• Noun Clause dari permintaan dimulai dengan that- Clause ini paling sering merupakan objek dari verb yang menyatakan permintaan, saran, atau keinginan dan sebagainya.
1. He is requesting that a company car be placed at his disposal.
2. The doctor recommended that he take a vacation.
3. It was suggested that she leave immediately.
4. It was proposed that the meeting be adjourned.
• Kadang-kadang "that" yang merupakan kata permulaan Clause dapat digantikan dengan susunan infinitive setelah kata-kata kerja yang menunjukkan permintaan seperti advise, ask, beg, command, desire, forbid, order, request, require, argue.
• Subjek dari that-Clause sering dalam bentuk passive dari verbs of requesting dengan susunan anticipatory it.


A.  Pengertian
A conjunction (conj/cnj) merupakan salah satu macam kata yang menghubungkan 2 item (kata, kalimat, frasa, atau  klausa) secara bersama-sama.
Dalam bahasa Indonesia ‘conjunction’ disebut juga sebagai kata penghubung, perangkai, ataupun kata sambung.
               B.     Bentuk-bentuk conjunctions/ kata penghubung
1.   Coordinating conjunction
Coordinating conjunctions, juga dipanggil ‘coordinators’, merupakan kata penghubung yang menghubungkan dua atau lebih kata, klausa, ataupun kalimat, yang mempunyai bentuk sintaksis (aturan dalam hal pembuatan kalimat) yang sama. Contoh-contoh kata penghubung coordinating yaitu: for, and, nor, but, or, yet, and so. Untuk memudahkan dalam menghafalnya biasa disingkat FANBOYS.
 Arti dan contoh dalam kalimat:
a.    For yang berarti ‘karena.’
 Contoh: Imamsyah Al-Hadi always keeps the lights on, for he is afraid of sleeping in the dark.
Kata ‘for’ lebih umum digunakan sebagai preposition/kata depan yang bermakana ‘untuk.’
Contoh:A chew is used for cutting wood.
b.   And yang berarti ‘dan.’
Contoh: My sister lives in South Sulawesi, and my brother lives in North Sulawesi.
·      Muh. Rifqi enjoys lerning English, and he enjoys playing football.
·      Muh. Rifqi enjoys learning English and playing football.
(S + V) + koma ( S + V)
c.    Nor yang berarti ‘dan.’
Contoh: Ali doesn’t enjoy learning English , nor does he enjoy football. [kalimat negatif]
d.   But yang berarti ‘tetapi.’
·      Muh. Imran enjoys learning English, but he doesn’t enjoy playing football.
·      My shoes are old but comfortable.
e.    Yet yang berarti ‘namun.’
Contoh: Muh. Imran enjoys learning English, yet he doesn’t enjoy playing football.
f.    Or yang berarti ‘atau.’
·      Next month I will go to my hometown, or I may just stay in Makassar.
·      Next month I will go to my hometown or may just stay in Makassar.
g.      So yang berarti ‘jadi/ oleh karena itu.’
Contoh: I have a dream to go abgroad, so I have to study English more.
2.   Correlative conjunction
Correlative conjunctions, juga biasa disebut ‘paired conjunctions’,  merupakan kata penghubung yang berpasangan yang menyerasikan atau melaraskan 2 item (kata, kalimat, frasa, atau  klausa). Contohnya: both…and;  not only…but also; either…or; neither…nor.
 Arti dan contoh dalam kalimat:
a.    Both…and yang beramakna ‘keduanya’
Contoh: Both Muh. Syihab and Muh. Hasan basri are the members of New Generation Club.
Dua subjek yang dihubungkan oleh ‘both…and’ adalah berbentuk jamak.
b.   Not only…but also yang bermakna ‘tidak hanya…tapi juga’
·      Not only my sister but also my brother is in Makassar.
·      Not only my sister but also my brothers are in Makassar.
Ketika ada dua subjek yang dihubungkan oleh not only…but also, either…or, or neither…nor’ maka subject yang lebih dekat dengan kata kerja yang akan menentukan apakah kata kerjanya berbentuk tunggal atau jamak.
c.    Either…or yang bermakana ‘baik…atau/juga’
·      Either my sister or my brother is in Makassar.
·      Either my sister or my brothers are in Makssar.
d.   Neither…nor yang bermakna ‘baik…maupun…tidak’
·      Neither my sister nor my brother is in Makassar.
·      Neither my sister nor my brothers are in Makssar.
            3.   Subordinating conjunction
Subordinating conjuctions, juga disebut ‘subordinators’, merupakan kata penghubung yang memperkenalkan sebuah kalimat. Kata penghubung ‘subordinating’ digunakan dalam adverb clause yang mana tidak bisa berdiri sendiri tanpa adanya kalimat yang menggandengnya. Contoh kata penghubung ‘subordinating’ yaitu sebagai berikut.
Timeafter, before, when, while, as, as soon as, since, until, by the time, once, whenever, every time etc.
Cause and effectbecause, now that, since etc.
Contrasteven though, although, though etc.
Direct contrast: while, whereas etc.
Condition: if, unless, only if, whether or not, even if, in case, in the even that etc.
Contoh dalam bentuk kalimat:
·      Because he was sleepy, he went to bed. [memakai koma]
·      He went to bed because he was sleepy. [tanpa koma]
·      Now that the semester is over, I’m going to go to my hometown. [memakai koma]
·      Since it’s raining, I can’t go to campuss. [memakai koma]
‘Since’ berarti ‘karena’, dan ‘now that’ berarti ‘karena sekarang.’

Kamis, 05 April 2012


Tugas 1 Softskill (Bahasa Inggris)

Adverbial Clauses

An adverbial clause is a dependent  clause  that functions as an adverb . In other words, it contains a subject  (explicit or implied) and a predicate , and it modifies a verb .
·                     I saw Joe when I went to the store. (explicit subject I)
·                     He sat quietly in order to appear polite. (implied subject he)
According to Sidney Greenbaum and Randolph Quirk, adverbial clauses function mainly asadjuncts  or disjuncts . In these functions they are like adverbial phrases , but due to their potentiality for greater explicitness, they are more often like prepositional phrases
·                     We left after the speeches ended. (adverbial clause)
·                     We left after the end of the speeches. (adverbial prepositional phrase)
Contrast adverbial clauses with adverbial phrases , which do not contain a clause .
·                     I like to fly kites for fun.
Adverbial clauses modify verbs, adjectives or other adverbs. For example:
·                     Hardly had I reached the station when the train started to leave the platform.
The adverbial clause in this sentence is "when the train started to leave the platform" because it is a subordinate clause  and because it has the trigger word (subordinate conjunction ) "when".

Pengertian, Jenis dan Contoh Adverbial Clause

A. Pengertian Adverb Clause

Adverb Clause terdiri dari dua kata yaitu “Adverb” and “Clause”
adverb adalah : kata keterangan yang menerangkan verb (kata kerja) dan adjective (kata sifat),
clause adalah : anak kalimat.
Jadi adverb clause adalah anak kalimat yang menerangkan kata sifat dan kata kerja dan berfungsi sebagai adverb.
Adverb clause adalah terdiri dari delapan macam: seperti: Adverb clause of time, Adverb clause of place, Adverb clause of number, Adverb clause of menner, adverb clause of reanson, adverb clause of result, adverb clause of condition, dan adverb clause of contrast.

B. Rumus umum dan contoh adverb clause.

Subject + predicet + conj + subject + predicet.

Tapi bisa saja conjuntion di awal sesuai dengan kalimatnya.
- I met her when + was walking to school.
- As he was sick, he went to she doctor.
- I can’t go out because my mother is sick.

C. Jenis-Jenis Adverb Clause
1. Adverb Clause of Reanson
Adalah : sebuah anak kalimat yang digunakan untuk menunjukkan sebab atau alasan. Adverb clause of reason di awali dengan konjungsi (penghubungnya) adalah : as/ since/ because/ whereas/ on the ground that.

2. Adverb Clause of Result
Adalah : sebuah anak kalimat yang digunakan untuk menunjukkan hasil perbuatan atau akibat. Adverb clause of result di awali dengan konjungsi so that, so + adjective + that, so + adverb + that, so.

3. Adverb Clause of Condition
Adalah : sebuah anak kalimat yang digunakan untuk menunjukkan kondisi. Adverb clause of condition di awali dengan konjungsi if/ unless/ whether/ provided that and so long as.

4. Adverb Clause of Contrast
 Adverb Clause of Contrast adalah sebuah anak kalimat yang menerangkan bertentangan. Adverb Clause of Contrast diawali dengan konjungsi: although, eventh ough, though, whet eyer, no matter, however much, not with standing that.

Latihan Soal 
1.         ____a cold front meets a warm front, an area of turbulent air is created often producing thunderstorms and tornadoes.
       a.        And                           
       b.        When
       c.        That
       d.       However
       kunci jawaban: B
2.   ____  The Indian variety of crocodile is the most widely researched crocodile in the world _______ anatomical structure is so unusual.
       a.        because its
       b.        because of its
       c.        it is because
       d.       is because
       kunci jawaban: A

Direct And Indirect Spech 

Ada dua cara untuk mengungkapkan apa yang seseorang katakan yaitu: langsung (direct) dan tidak langsung (indirect/reported).
Pada kalimat langsung, kita mengulangi ucapan pembicara (speaker) sama persis. Kalimat langsung biasanya digunakan dalam percakapan di dalam buku, drama, ataupun dalam tanda kurung.
He said, ‘I have lost my umbrella.’
Kalimat langsung (direct) mempunyai dua bagian, yaitu: reporting sentence dan reported sentence. Reporting sentence adalah klausa yang berisi siapa yang berbicara, sedangkan reported sentence adalah klausa yang berisi apa yang dibicarakan.
Mike said, “I will come to your house.”
reporting reported
Sedangkan, pada kalimat tidak langsung (indirect), kita mengungkapkan maksud ucapan pembicara dengan ungkapan yang tidak sama persis.
He said (that) he had lost his umbrella.
A. Kalimat pernyataan (statement) pada kalimat tidak langsung (indirect)
Perubahan direct menjadi indirect pada statement ditandai dengan ‘that’.
Kalimat langsung yang reporting sentence-nya memiliki verb dalam bentuk present tense (simple present, present continuous, and present perfect atau future tense) maka tidak ada perubahan tenses pada reported sentence dalam bentuk tidak langsung (indirect). Ini biasanya terjadi apabila:
1. Melaporkan suatu percakapan yang masih berlangsung
2. Membaca surat dan melaporkan apa isi surat tersebut
3. Membaca perintah dan langsung melaporkannya pada waktu tersebut
4. Melaporkan pernyataan yang sering muncul
John (phoning from the station), “I’m trying to get a taxi.”
Siska says,” The sun rises every morning.
John says that he is trying to get a taxi.
• Siska says that the sun rises every morning.

Direct and Indirect Speech – example -

1.    ‘What do you want?’ she asked him.
2.    ‘Are you coming with us?’ he asked me.
3.    He asked, ‘When do you intend to make the payment?’
4.    ‘Do you come from China?’ said the prince to the girl.
5.    The poor man exclaimed, ‘Will none of you help me?’
6.    ‘Which way should I go?’ asked the little girl.
7.    Alladin said to the magician, ‘What have I done to deserve so severe a punishment?’
8.    ‘Don’t you know the way home?’ I said to her.
9.    ‘Do you write a good hand?’ the teacher said to the student.
10.    ‘Have you anything to say on behalf of the accused?’ said the judge finally.
11.    ‘Have you anything to tell me, little bird?’ asked Ulysses.
12.    ‘Who are you, sir, and what do you want?’ they asked.
13.    The king was impressed with the magician and asked, ‘What can I do for you?’
14.    She asked, ‘What is it that makes you stronger and braver than other men?’
15.    ‘Can you solve this problem?’ he asked me.
1.    She asked him what he wanted.
2.    He asked me if I was coming/going with them.
3.    He enquired when I/he/she intended to make the payment.
4.    The prince asked the girl if she came from China.
5.    The poor man exclaimed whether none of them would help him.
6.    The little girl asked which way she should go.
7.    Alladin asked the magician what he had done to deserve so severe a punishment.
8.    I asked her whether she did not know the way home.
9.    The teacher asked the student if he/she wrote a good hand.
10.    The judge finally asked whether he/she had anything to say on behalf of the accused.
11.    Ulysses asked the little bird whether it had anything to tell him.
12.    They asked who he was and what he wanted.
13.    The king was impressed with the magician and asked what he could do for him.
14.    She asked him what was it that made him stronger and braver than other men.
15.    He asked me if I could solve that problem.

Sumber : http://search.4shared.com/postDownload/UfI0zrAu/SOAL_ADVERB_CLAUSE.htmlhttp://irena040506.wordpress.com/2010/05/21/direct-and-indirect-speech/http://abudira.wordpress.com/2010/06/08/direct-dan-indirect-speech/http://kaulankarima.blogspot.com/2012/03/softskill-adverbial-clause.htmlhttp://hamikofebria.blogspot.com/2010/11/adverb-clause.html wikipedia